3/11/12 – Evening UPDATE – CPMC/CHONY NYC – PICU

Busy Day

Faith has been up/down/fighting all day. The paralysis medication was stopped and the sedation was lowered. As soon as she regains consciousness she tries to get out of bed endangering her ET tube (used for breathing). She was able to communicate with us a bit today mouthing words with no sound, yes & no and some signs she knows that only take the one free hand she has. She is anxious and wants to get out of there. We agree, however they are still not satisfied that she can be extubated. An earlier test indicates that her airway swelling has not subsided enough for her to be off the ventilator.

The plan for now, restart paralysis meds, heavier sedation and allow another 24 hours to pass then retest her airway.

Anyone that knows her knows how stubborn she can be, not to mention physically strong. Neither has changed or weakened. It’s going to be a trying week. I will be taking watch tomorrow. Sue needs to get to the chiropractor for her back and some sleep in a real bed.

Nite all….Tired.

This entry was posted on March 11, 2012, in Status. Bookmark the permalink.