04-04-12 – END OF DAY 7 – CPMC/CHONY PICU – 30-26-7

It’s been a good day. It will probably be easier just to tell you what Faith is still on vs. what all has stopped.

O2 via a nasal cannula at only 1ltr (which is low) and doing well, the objective is to get her to room air doing just as well as with O2. They have stopped the Heparin IV (anti-coagulant) and started the injectable one (Lovenox), she tolerated placement of the port very well and shots as well. Most all of the IV’s will be ready to pull very, very soon and she will go over to oral medications. Finally the arterial line will be taken out before she moves out of the ICU.

They would have moved her out today if a bed was available on any floor, but there was not. We are so hoping she stays stable and will be ready to transport to Children’s Specialized Hospital (CSH) by no later than Friday.

Fingers & Toes crossed.

This entry was posted on April 4, 2012, in Status. Bookmark the permalink.