• Stable night
  • They have been able to slowly back down on ventilator assistance, Faith is cooperating.
  • They are going to reevaluate the sedation plan as she is becoming aware enough to fight back, when she needs to relax and cooperate.
  • 1.5 : 1 nursing 1 full-time of course with help as they day goes by.
  • Total of 4 units of platelets. The CVVH machine has a filter that the platelets tend to cling to thus the need for supplementing.
  • She has a rash, similar to hives. Dermatology thinks it might be allergic reaction both they and Infections Disease (ID) are looking into it. Not worried.

Baby steps forward

7 thoughts on “DAY 38 – CHONY PICU – DAY

  1. Thank you for always keeping us informed and know many share this journey with you. Sue text a bit ago with this positive news. Praying always! xoxo Ger

  2. We have been calling in ALL prayer warriors and churches for her and the family…. she has thousands of people praying for her!! Praise God and continued healing!

  3. Loving the great news thank you so much for keeping us informed Will keep praying for u guys xoxo

  4. LOVE the pic of Faith allows impossible things to happen!!!
    Casey put a card in your mailbox today just for Faith she sends hugs to her as well! Keep fighting Faith !!!

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